Membandingkan Karakteristik Novel Angkatan 70 dan 90 !

Unsur yang di bandingkan :
1. Bahasa/gaya penuturan yang digunakan pengarang
Novel 70-an :Bahasanya ringan dan mudah dimengerti. Bahasanya tidak baku.
Novel 90-an :Bahasa mudah dimengerti dan masih masih menyelipkan beberapa bahasa daerah.
2. Watak
Novel 70-an :Pemaaf, tekun, pemberani, tetapi karena si tokoh masih kecil, watak yang digambarkan, ia terlalu cepat menilai seseorang.
Novel 90-an :Keras kepala, tetap pendirian.
3. Tema
Novel 70-an :Perjuangan hidup
Novel 90-an :Adat dan modernisasi

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Motion Definition

Ø     Motion is a change of position or displacement of an object within a certain time interval.
Ø     Motion is relative because it depending on its point of reference.
Ø     Point reference is an object or location which is considered fixed (at rest) and used to compare the initial and final position.

Type of Motion
Ø     Type of motion consist of : appearance motion and actually motion.
Ø     Appearance motion is motionless environment toward move environment.
ü     Example : moving the sun every day
Ø     Actually motion is move environment toward motionless environment.
ü     Example : we see car moving

Ø     Velocity is the change position within a time interval.
Ø     Velocity has two components : magnitude and direction.
Ø     Velocity is the speed with is direction.
S= V.T
T = S
V = S

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Tugas Putih Biru

Heii .. ini adalah dialog anatar dua orang (Trisna dan Linda) yang di buat dalam rangka untuk mendapat nilai EP (english programme) ..
#inget masa-masa SMP :p


Mrs. Trisna       : “Hi . . . Hi . . . Linda, Are you ready to get a private ?”
Linda                : “Oh . . . of course Mrs. Trisna.”
Mrs. Trisna       : “First, do you have any problems at school ?”
Linda                : “Not, yet. And now, what are our topic ?”

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